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terrasse dimanche midi lundi midi zzz accès handicapé OTVAR

Dom. de la Font des Pères

AOP Bandol, AOP Côtes de Provence, IGP Mont-Caume

Le Beausset

Address listed free of charge by the Sesame Guide, in accordance with the
en accord avec la brand quality charter.

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Representative photo of the address

In the same establishment 📍

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Dom. de la Font des Pères

AOP Bandol, AOP Côtes de Provence, IGP Mont-Caume

Le Beausset
1306 chemin de Pontillaou
Book a table
04 94 15 21 21
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Taste, admire, sit down, stay...: Philippe and Caroline Chauvin have made their estate, run organically, a place of discovery and a complete wine tourism experience. Monks would have settled here in the 16th century, aware of the agronomic potential of this superb hillside. The panorama over Sainte-Baume and the vineyards is strikingly beautiful.

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Budget 💳

Agriculture Biologique, Vignobles & Découvertes, Les Collectionneurs, Bienvenue à la Ferme

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Brands & Labels 🏅

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Fait maison

The restaurants and food shops mentioned in this guide are committed to cooking and preparing food mainly in homemade according to the criteria defined in the Consumer Law of 17 May 2014 and the decree of 11 July 2014 amended on 7 May 2015.

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Agriculture Biologique

THE Organic farming is a method of cultivation aimed at establishing an environmentally friendly and sustainable production system, in order to contribute to the preservation of soil life, water quality and heritage for future generations.

Brand or label logo
Vignobles & Découvertes

The brand Vineyards & Discoveries obtained in May 2013 by the Pays d'Aix, focuses on reception, availability and advice. The members of this brand are true local ambassadors who offer you an experience based on wine, gastronomy and culture in any season.

Brand or label logo
Bienvenue à la Ferme

Welcome to the farm is a French trademark of the Chambers of Agriculture. It is the first national network of farm producers and tourist reception on farms by French farmers.


The benefits

There we find 📋

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terrasse dimanche midi lundi midi zzz accès handicapé OTVAR
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